Jesus Is My Husband by Stacey Lunsford

In a husband - wife relationship, the Lord showed me that I needed to learn how to let Him love me! He is teaching me how to receive His love through the Song of Solomon!  First, I had to stop at (1 John 1:9 KJV)  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I asked the Lord to reveal the secret sins in my heart and the Lord used the following story to teach me a lesson that has literally changed my life and perspective on things!!!

The Israelites went to Samuel asking for a King. They had a Spiritual God and King but they wanted a king that they could see, a Flesh King! In His anger God appointed them a king and this path that they chose brought them to a place of being godless. Stick with me.  (smile) In my singlenesss, I have secretly been desiring a husband.  A man that would love, honor and respect me according to God's word and accept my children as his own.  Well the eye opener is, Jesus is my husband, has been all along...but I am growing in my marriage relationship with the Lord!  He showed me that there are 3 ways that one can be married.

1. to Him
2. to husband/wife
3. married in God's plan is to be married in the spirit.

This revelation brings me to Galatians 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Now Matthew 6:33 comes into focus because I must seek God first in everything!  He is my husband.  Why would I want a man FLESH, when I have  the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS?  HELLO!  Oh bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me!

I am to stop worrying about marriage to man and focus on my marriage to God. Love, honor, respect and be faithful to Him.  Be obedient to what He has spoken to me which is His perfect plan for my life!  It doesn't matter how much power I have or not the power is in His perfect Plan! Oh Jesus, have mercy on me!  When I think about the times I have wasted crying and not letting go of the past...all I can say now is Hallelujah!  I am free!  Praise the Lord I'm Free!  I am so happy! Jesus is my husband and He is and has been a FATHER (Daddy) to my children! 

The Lord is calling me to a deeper relationship with Him!  I have been off course but the compass of my soul has guided me back to His green pasture!  He is using the Song of Solomon to teach me about our marriage. He is teaching me that He is the only one that can meet my deepest love needs! I have taken the limitations off of God and have granted Him permission to love me, the way that I need to be loved as only He knows how and all I can say is GLORY!

For all of the times that I thought I was in love, I wasn't! The love that I have found in Jesus, is the real love that I have been searching for all of my life! It is an unconditional love! Like any relationship, if you don't spend time with your mate, they will feel like you don't care and they will feel lonely and unwanted! Because of my fear of being hurt, being rejected and afraid to let anybody get too close to me, I was blocking out the only person that truly loved me! When Jesus told me that He missed me, I cried because I didn't want to hurt Him.

He has been there for me time after time after time. When I walked away from HIM and turned to the arms of another man, He forgave me when I came back home crying all messed up first with one child, next a second and then a third! How many men do you know that would forgive his wife, take her back and accept her kids as their own? Love them, love her and teach them how to love each other?....that totally blows my mind! My Husband (Jesus) has accepted me just the way I am ! Even in my flawed condition today He loves me! I am loved!


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Song playing is Your Amazing Love - Courtesy of Songs of Praise

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